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MK Stationary Tension Meter

Made in Germany
MK Stationary Tension Meter
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The CHECK-LINE model MK Tension Meter accurately measures running line tensions on a wide variety of yarns, fibers, wires, etc. It's designed for fixed mounting for continuous tension measurement.

Threaded mounting holes are provided on the back side and edge of the housing


  • Adjustable maximum tension detector contact can provide a low voltage signal when tensions exceed the user-set maximum limit.
  • Built-in magnetic damping averages out tension fluctuations.
  • Chromed steel, V-grooved guide rollers for speeds up to 1000 m/min


Tension Ranges

MK2-123-12 grams
MK2-205-20 grams
MK2-305-30 grams
MK2-5010-50 grams
MK2-10010-100 grams
MK2-25020-250 grams
MK2-30020-300 grams
MK2-40050-400 grams
