TS621-AD offers an additional current output for strain gage amplifier TS621 TS621HD. This output is filtered and works in parallel to the fast voltage output regarding zero setting and calibration.
It was designed to filter the parts with higher frequency - without useful content - out of the tension signal.
TS621-AD includes a quad-selectable signal filter. In the region of the particular cut-off frequency
the filter response curve drops steeply. This effects a pure tension signal.
The selectable cut-off frequencies ( fC ) are at 0,5Hz / 5Hz / 10Hz and 20Hz.
Filter response curve - logarithmic diagram

Filter response curve - logarithmic diagram
- unipolar or bipolar, selectable
- adjustable cut-off frequency 0,5 - 5 - 10 - 20 Hz
bipolar 0 to ±20mA
unipolar 0 to +20mA
unipolar 4 to +20mA - setting by DIP-switches
The tension signal typically contents parasitic parts of higher frequencies.
These are caused by machine vibrations, excentricity, traverse movements, reactions from the material guidance and so on.
For control purposes these signal parts are highly undesirable and interfering respectively. Option AD filters these parts and supplies a pure tension signal.
Block diagram

Block diagram